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$CONAN is a token named after the English Mastiff of Javier Milei, president of Argentina. Adopted in 2004, Conan was deeply significant to Milei, who regarded him as a close companion. After Conan's death in 2017 due to spinal cancer, Milei cloned him, resulting in six puppies. These clones, named after Conan and various economists, are seen by Milei as more than just pets. He interacts with them through a mystic, seeking their guidance in personal and political matters. This reflects Milei's unique approach to spirituality and mysticism, where he believes in a profound, almost metaphysical connection with his dogs. Conan and his clones have become a notable aspect of Milei's public and political life, including his presidential campaign, highlighting an unusual blend of personal sentiment, mysticism, and political narrative.


Total supply 3,141,592,653,589
Tax buy/sell 1/1.3
Liquidity lock 2 Years
Contract Renounced
Network Arbitrum

How to buy $CONAN?

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Create a Wallet

Download MetaMask or your wallet of choice for free from the App Store or Google Play Store. For desktop users, download the Google Chrome extension by visiting metamask.io.

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Get Some ETH

Have ETH in your wallet to switch to $CONAN. If you don't have any ETH, you can buy it directly on MetaMask, transfer it from another wallet, or buy it on another exchange and send it to your wallet.

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Go to Camelot

Connect to Camelot. Go to app.camelot.exchange in Google Chrome or in the browser inside your MetaMask app. Connect your wallet. Paste the $CONAN token address into Camelot, select Conan, and confirm. When MetaMask prompts you for a wallet signature, sign it.

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Switch ETH for $CONAN

Exchange ETH for $CONAN. We have 1% taxes, we recommend setting slippage to at least 2%, although you may need to adjust slippage during times of market volatility.

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